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About Us

Neb Seyoum

President, Construction

As a co-founder of Lanas Construction, a full-service MBE General Construction company, Neb has served in all business capacities including business development, subcontractor management, marketing oversight, estimating/scheduling, quality control, and organizational strategy. His respect in the industry has maintained positive ratings amongst general contractors and developers alike.


Neb has built, rehabbed, and consulted on commercial structures, multi-unit structures, mixed use properties and more. Throughout his career, he has built/rehabbed over 300 houses including houses at Henderson Crossing, an $18,000,000 historic rehab development in East Baltimore where he served as the lead General Contractor. Neb prides himself on his attention to detail which results in a very high-quality end product.


Neb's computer technology background, results in the employment of all the latest software applications geared towards efficiency and transparency with clients. He understands that efficiency is directly tied to success.



25 years




University of Maryland, Baltimore County


B.S. Computer Engineering Concentration: Software Engineering


B.S. Mathematics Concentration: Applied Mathematics




Maryland Realtors

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8 Market Place, Suite 300 Baltimore, MD 21202

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